Sunday 7 November 2010

4 Benefits of Wifi

4 Benefits of WifiWIFI is not only useful for accessing the internet tablets. Many things can be done with the help of wifi. Hmm ..., what about you? Let's find out here.

1. Change the Smartphone so Remote Control

If all the computers in the house connected to the wifi network, we can connect all the devices with smart phones (smartphones) and control it all from your smartphone. To prove it, can be tried by enabling aplikasiiTunes Remote-controlling the iPhone or the all-encompassing Gmote on Android.

2. Submit Documents from Smartphone to Printer

For those who have five printers at home, there is no term is difficult if you want to print in any room. Come take advantage of the wifi network so you can print from a different room. Printing can take an existing document on your smartphone or computer.

3. Forward Notification from Smartphone to a Computer

If using a mobile phone based on Android, we can send incoming calls and SMS notifications, and batteries to the computer platform Windows, Mac or Linux. How, yes to activate the wifi network and Android notifier. That is, when she was working with a computer, you do not have to worry about not going to hear an incoming call or SMS.

4. Transfer Photos from Digital Camera

Some models of digital cameras are now supported wifi network. That means we can transfer photos from digital camera to a computer via the network. Not only that, some cameras are also now equipped with the ability to upload photos to various sites such as Flickr, Facebook and Picasa.


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